Sunday, August 26, 2012

worksheet due

What do you want to write about? judo/jiu jitsu
What do you want to find out about your topic? Anything and as much as I can. How many people practice it and so on.

What are your questions about the topic?
1. How many throws are there for this art form?
2. What is the main purpose for this form of martial arts?
3. What are the ranks in this art?
4. How many levels of black belt are there

1. What throws are in both judo and jiu jitsu?
2. What rank is the hardest to achieve?
3. Is the mostly for self defense

How does the topic connect to your life?  Don't say 'curious' or 'interesting.'  Or don't stop there anyway....
 When i was younger and needed to do something to control my anger and attitude I joined the P.A.L program which is the police Athletic League they offered judo/Jiu jitsu classes. I tryed a few classes and like it I learned a lot from it and ended up doing over four years of it and still have much more I don't know about it.  

Give three reasons you like the topic
1. It helped me have a way to get my anger and frustration out in a safe way and work out.
2. Helped me view myself in a more positive way.
3. Taught me that i can do anything I set my mind to.
Give three ways your life might change if you answer your questions
1. I will know what throws I will need to learn and try to master them.
2. Besides the belts i know about what else is there that if i work hard enough i can achieve.
3. If there is different form of this art i can start working out and doing martial arts again.

Do you already know the answer to your question?  If the answer is sitting in a single book somewhere or if all you need do to find the answer is make some simple decision or ask one person one question or explore inside your own head, it isn't going to work out for a research paper becuase there isn't much you can research. Is it that kind of question and answer?  If it is, please redo the worksheet

1 comment:

  1. Are you doing martial arts right now? I want to see if I can steer you away from standard research questions (your seven questions and subquestions) into questions where the answers are not sitting in some book or websites.
