Wednesday, October 10, 2012

contrast intros

                                                                               Intro 1
      Out of all of the people in my life there are two women that helped me shape my life today. That is my step mother and mother. They both were married to my dad and both have more then one kid. My mother was Mary Jane and my step mom Michele. Both women have helped me shape my life but beside them both being married to my dad and having kids. They are as different as night and day. Not only with looks but with personalities, habits, likes, dislikes, and anything you could possibly think of.

                                                                             Into 2
      The two main places i have lived in my life is Colorado and Maine, and are in a sense the same. Its home. There is friends and family and i have lived more then a year in both states. They have different culture and also different outlooks on life and what people do. it is as different as the city and country as it can be. Besides having cities, Friends, Family, Work, and me living there there are different as county is to pop music.

1 comment:

  1. Either topic can work and the setup looks good, but either one you use needs a stronger hook in that intro graf.
