Sunday, September 9, 2012

Background re writen

      When I was going through high school i liked to travel a lot. I moved and lived on my own in many places. I lived in Washington state. I traveled to Maine every summer till fifth grade. I visited a lot of family in Ohio. When i was going through High school i seemed to like to get away and visit different places. What i really never seem to be able to fill was my love of travel so I wanted to see if visiting Ireland would quench my longing for adventure.  When i graduated from high school i worked a lot and visited all over Colorado. Pueblo, Canyon city, Woodland park, Old Colorado city, and Manitu were a few i liked. Then my friend moved to California and his parents let me come with them to get a fresh start.
      I remember in my senior year there was a fad going around where people would act Irish and use the voice and green was every wear. I guess when i came to school with a tattoo they thought i went to far with that interest.  I got one that says Irish in old English. I dont know what really made me want to go to Ireland to be honest. I like the idea of getting away from all of the electronics and getting to a place where hardworking careing about family matters and seeing how they survive without all that we have. Its interesting to me because i want to be able to be that hard working and family binding. There is a whole difference in life style that it makes me want to learn about it and visit. I dont really know much about Ireland except for family ties and hard working different culture ,but the funny thing is i cant stop thinking about it and wanting to visit. Its weird there really isnt much that peaks my interest that i am willing to research and write about except visiting Ireland.  Well if I am thinking back to when i first thought about going to Ireland is when my friend in middle school told me about it.  Different rules, Customs, Beliefs, lifestyle wake up call as he said it.  He really didnt care about anything at the time but the drinking age and rules. I cant remember that far back but it was talking to him when he came back from his visit that sparked my interest.
      The only thing I cant seem to remember is my heritage and relitives i had from my Irish roots. When I found out that I had Irish in me even if it was a little I was proud of it. As they said broud eirknock means pride of the Irish. when i got into high school I was trying to save up money because i knew it would cost a lot to visit Ireland. It didnt work out to what i planned because of things i needed for school and all of the Ireland items i found i started to collect them. So i got a lot of shirts and celtic music.


  1. Break this into shorter paragraphs--makes it easier to see where you are and how to organize things. Right now this is a wicked jumble and you have to try to re-organize it, maybe with an outline. Don't lose the stuff that doesn't seem to fit because that material is going to go in later sections of the isearch--I mean, nearly everything you have here is useful or will be useful, but you've got to untangle it a little. Paragraphs will be a start.

    One thing that's relevant and missing is your history with travel. Another is a little bit of your family ethnicity--I'm assuming you have Irish ancestry but that's not here yet.

  2. what if you shifted sentences around now: put all the stuff about travels you've done in one graf; all the stuff about wanting to visit Ireland in another; all the stuff about Irish heritage and so on in a third? No more writing now, just cutting and pasting.

    Give it a try, let's see what's there.
