Sunday, September 23, 2012


      Wow! Amazing! it finally happened to me and it was due to the hard work an effort i put into my goals. At first it was tough because i was wondering how long it would take to adapt to myself all of the qualities i wanted. Then through determination and effort i managed to make them mine. Weither i was trying to break my fear of spiders and fighting or trying to have some confidence in myself. I can say without a doubt that everything i have tried to do to grasp these adaptations martial arts helped me. It put me out of my comfort zone and made me realize i can do what ever i put my mind to. Those movies i found out were not just acting the aspects i admired and respected and wanted for myself were not out of reach. All i had to do was put my best foot forward and make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. "it finally happened to me "

    What did?

    This reads like a lot of summarizing to me. Might work, but you might try a different direction--give us a scene or a little story, something like that.
